Meltem Işık
“Twice into the stream”


“L’ànima que pot parlar pels ulls,
també pot besar per la mirada”
The soul that can speak with its eyes
can also kiss with its look

Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer

Quan vaig veure per primera vegada aquestes imatges m’hi vaig quedar enganxada; la superposició de pells em feia venir una sensació de tendresa i de rebuig inexplicables, la realitat i les imatges fotogràfiques, el dins i el fora - si n’hi havia! - … una qüestió de pell!


"Twice into the stream" pot pensar-se com una recerca sobre la forma en què veiem i percebem el cos humà. La complexitat que s'origina en la capacitat dels nostres cossos de veure i ser vists simultàniament, proporciona la base de l'obra que construeix aaquesta artista utilitzant diferents punts de vista.

Meltem Işık va néixer a Ankara. Es va llicenciar en Disseny Gràfic en la Universitat de Bilkent, a Ankara, i va obtenir la seva AAS en Disseny de Joies en el Fashion Institute of Technology, a Nova York. En 2011, va rebre el seu mestratge en el Departament d'Arts Visuals de la Universitat Sabancı, Istanbul. Des de 2016 treballa en el seu doctorat en el programa de Disseny, Tecnologia i Societat de la Universitat de Özyeğin.

Meltem Işık viu i treballa actualment a Istanbul. Des de 2015, ensenya en el Departament d'Arts Visuals i Disseny de Comunicació Visual, en la Universitat de Sabancı.

Us la recomeno molt!


When I saw these images for the first time I was hooked; the superimposition of skins gave me a feeling of inexplicable tenderness and rebellion, the reality and the photographic images, the inside and the outside - if there was any! - ... a question of skin!


“Twice into the stream” can be thought as an inquiry into the way we see and perceive the human body. The complexity that originates from the capability of our bodies to see and be seen simultaneously, provides the basis of the work that I construct using different view points.

Meltem Işık was born in Ankara. She received her BFA in Graphic Design from Bilkent University, Ankara, and her AAS in Jewelry Design from the Fashion Institute of Technology, New York. In 2011, she received her MA from the Department of Visual Arts at Sabancı University, Istanbul. Since 2016 she is working on her PhD in the Design, Technology and Society program at Özyeğin University.

Meltem Işık currently lives and works in Istanbul. Since 2015, she teaches in the Visual Arts and Visual Communication Design Department, at Sabancı University.

I highly recommend it!

Ester RoviraComment