Amb calma /
Slow down


Fa uns dies navegant per internet em vaig trobar aquest llibre. Sincerament em va agradar tant el títol: era com si estigués fet per a mi! I vaig estar remenant i vaig trobar que era tan adient per aquest moment històric! En aquests intervals de recolliment i d’haver de parar hauríem d’aprofitar per tornar a mirar “amb calma”! Crec que ens ajudaria molt a viure i a sobreviure i a veure que molt aprop nostre la natura segueix sent la gran meravella!

Molt, molt recomenable!
Editorial Flamboyant


A few days ago while surfing the internet I came across this book. I honestly liked the title so much: it was as if it was made for me! And I was looking through it and found that it was so suitable for this historical moment! In these intervals of introspection and having to stop, we should take the opportunity to look at things "calmly" again! I think it would help us a lot to live and survive and to see that very close to us nature is still a great wonder!

Highly, highly recommended!
Flamboyant Editorial

Ester RoviraComment