Francesco Tonucci
Per a mestres i família /
For teachers and family

Francesco Tonucci . © Javier Barbancho

Francesco Tonucci . © Javier Barbancho


L’escola es fa malgrat els nens i s’hauria d’escoltar als infants - la seva opinió, el seu punt de vista i le seves emocions - per saber quines són les seves necessitats.

En la situació de clausura d’aquesta pandèmia l’escola s’ha traslladat a casa i hem viscut una realitat nova; partint de la poca entesa entre escoles i famílies hauríem de trobar la manera de concebre un nou mon amb ulls de nen: esforçar-nos-hi!

Tonucci planteja uns exercicis molt bonics i valuosos perquè els nens trobin les seves aptituds o vocacions - el seu joc preferit, com deia García Marquez! -.

Francesco Tonucci
és un pedagog italià especialitzat en educació infantil i llicenciat en pedagogia per la Universitat Catòlica de Milà. Proposa adoptar el punt de vista de l'infant i deixar-lo més lliure, tant a l'escola com a casa.

Una escola a casa


School is done in spite of the children and one would have to listen to the children - their opinion, their point of view and their emotions - to know what their needs are.

In the closing situation of this pandemic, the school has moved home and we have lived a new reality; starting from the little understanding between schools and families we should find the way to conceive a world with the eyes of a child: to make an effort!

Tonucci proposes some very beautiful and valuable exercises for children to find their aptitudes or vocations - their favourite game, as García Marquez used to say! -.

Francesco Tonucci
is an Italian pedagogue specialized in early childhood education and has a degree in pedagogy from the Catholic University of Milan. He proposes to adopt the child's point of view and leave him/her more free, both at school and at home.

A school at home

Ester RoviraComment