La natura / The nature

Water, Mining and Exodus ©Marcos Zeger

Water, Mining and Exodus ©Marcos Zeger


“La naturalesa és la diferència entre l’home i Déu.”
"Nature is the difference between man and God.”

Fernnado Pessoa



La natura ho és tot. Ens configura i ens envolta. La història de l'home es podria definir com la lluita pel domini de la natura. Però avui ens enfrontem a reptes que ens situen en una posició de perill com a espècie i ens porten a un canvi de paradigma i a una nova relació amb la natura.

Amb les intervencions del professor i escriptor Antoni Marí, la biòloga Cristina Pujades, el poeta i assagista Ramón Andrés
i el geògraf Joan Nogué.


No podem entendre qui som sense prendre consciència del nostre entorn.

Crec que després de tants mesos tancada per la pandèmia el que més he trobat a faltar ha estat la natura. Tenia la sensació que era la única cosa que em podia retornar a l’origen, donar-me les respostes. I em sentia allunyada, sola i, tal vegada, buida… crec que en tot allò negatiu també va ser positiu perquè era com posar-me un mirall i sentir que la meva part conscient i l’inconscient es trencaven, es separaven.

I vaig decidir que aquest seria un repte meu, un de repetit,
el de re-aprendre a estar amb la natura i deixar-me fer, deixar-me conquerir…
deixar que la natura tornés a despertar en mi els meus sentits i els meus instints:
ho necessitava!



Nature is everything. It shapes us and surrounds us. The history of mankind could be defined as the struggle to dominate nature. But today we are facing challenges that place us in a dangerous position as a species and lead us to a paradigm shift and a new relationship with nature.

With contributions by the professor and writer Antoni Marí, the biologist Cristina Pujades, the poet and poet Ramón Andrés
and the geographer Joan Nogué.


We cannot understand who we are without being aware of our surroundings.

I think that after so many months closed by the pandemic, the one I missed the most was nature. I had the feeling that it was the only thing that could bring me back to its origins, give me the answers. And I felt distant, lonely and, perhaps, empty... I think that in all the negative things it was also positive because it was like holding up a mirror to myself and feeling that my conscious and unconscious parts were breaking up, separating.

And I decided that this would be a challenge of mine, a repeated one, to re-learn to be with nature and to let myself be, to let myself be conquered... to let nature reawaken in me my senses and my instincts: I needed it

La natura / The nature

Ester RoviraComment