El futur / The future
“Ens fem savis no pels records del nostre passat, sinó per la responsabilitat del nostre futur.”
"We become wise not by remembering our past, but by taking responsibility for our future."
George Bernard Shaw
Com podem pensar en una cosa que encara no existeix? Des de ben antic la preocupació pel futur és una constant del pensament filosòfic. Com hem de plantejar-nos el futur, inevitablement apocalíptic? O tot és esperança? Quim paper hi tenen la cultura i la tecnociència?
Amb les intervencions dels filòsofs Marina Garcés, Jaume Casals i Oriol Ponsatí-Murlà i l'especialista en el món audiovisual Ingrid Guardiola.
Plantejar un futur, ara mateix, sembla una cosa difícil però penso que és molt necessària.
Estem en un moment tan incert que crec que dibuixar els nostres anhels ens pot donar pistes i ganes per seguir endavant; sembla que aquesta deriva i l’entrada en un loop constant van deixant un pès inpropi en les nostres vides. Crec que hauríem de poder interpretar d’altres maneres perquè alguna cosa profunda ha canviat en aquest escenari i estic completament segura que per sempre.
Imaginar, dibuixar i crear un futur i un mon millor: quins grans reptes!
How can we think about something that does not yet exist? Since ancient times, concern for the future has been a constant feature of philosophical thought. How should we think about the future, inevitably apocalyptic? Or is it all about hope? What is the role of culture and technology?
Both the interventions of the philosophers Marina Garcés, Jaume Casals and Oriol Ponsatí-Murlà and the specialist in the audiovisual world, Ingrid Guardiola.
Plaiming a future, right now, seems difficult, but I think it is very necessary.
We are in such an uncertain moment that I think that drawing our hopes and desires can give us the clues and the will to move forward; it seems that this drift and the entry into a constant loop are leaving our lives in a state of uncertainty. I think we should be able to interpret in other ways because something profound has changed in this scenario, and I am absolutely sure that it will change forever.
Imagining, drawing and creating a better future and a better world: what great challenges!
El futur / The future