Zanele Muholi
Activisme visual / Visual activism

Hail the Dark Lioness © Zanele Muholi

Hail the Dark Lioness © Zanele Muholi

Bayephi III, Constitution Hill . Johannesburg, 2017 © Zanele Muholi

Bayephi III, Constitution Hill . Johannesburg, 2017 © Zanele Muholi

Hail the Dark Lioness © Zanele Muholi

Hail the Dark Lioness © Zanele Muholi


“La fotografia va salvar la meva vida. És la única cosa que ha tingut un sentit per a mi. Faig servir la fotografia com al meu propi medi d’articulació. I em cura”
“Photography saved my life. It was the only thing that ever made sense to me. I use art as my own means of articulation. And it heals me.”

Zanele Muholi

Les imatges són intenses, molt contrastades, molt potents i, en el fons, molt fortes. Hi ha una cosa tan profunda en la seva manera de mirar a la càmera i tan segura. Em fa sentir fora de qualsevol context, incòmoda.

La història d’aquesta dona sudanesa - que ha passat la major part de la seva vida a Sud-Àfrica i que no vol ser considerada artista - és la d’una activista dels drets humans i del col.lectiu gai però, sobretot, els de la gent de color. Històries flagrants que ha viscut en la seva pròpia pell o que li han explicat i que ella ha volgut escenificar. Aquest activisme visual l’han portada a fer de les seves realitats autoretrats que parlen a través de l’ull de la càmera i de la seva sensibilitat.

- “La meva obra és un espai per a que la gent sigui visible, respectada i reconeguda”. I, afegeix, “ser recordada sobretot.” -

Zanele Muholi (nascuda el 19 de juliol de 1972) és un artista i activista visual sud-africana que treballa en fotografia, vídeo i instal·lació. El treball de Muholi se centra en la raça, el gènere i la sexualitat amb un cos de treball que mira als individus negres lesbianes, gais, transsexuals i intersexuals. Muholi no és binaria i usa els seus pronoms, explicant que "s'identifiquen com a éssers humans".

Muholi va ser preseleccionada per al Premi de Fotografia de la Deutsche Börse en 2015. Va rebre un Premi Infinit del Centre Internacional de Fotografia en 2016, un Chevalier de Ordre donis Arts et donis Lettres en 2016, i una Beca d'Honor de la Reial Societat Fotogràfica en 2018.




The images are intense, very contrasted, very powerful and, in the end, very strong. There is something so deep in the way he looks at the camera and so confident. It makes me feel out of context, uncomfortable.

The story of this Sudanese woman - who has spent most of her life in South Africa and who does not want to be considered an artist - is that of a human rights activist and of the gay community, but above all of people of colour. Flagrant stories that she has lived in her own skin or that have been explained to her and that she has wanted to stage. This visual activism has led her to make self-portraits of her realities that speak through the eye of the camera and her sensibility.

The creations refer in his home town, Johannesburg, to the history of South Africa and to apartheid, but above all they touch on universal questions: the nature of human relations, memory, domination and guilt or the dissection of power.lement exquisite, he taught me above all to look at and read architecture, and to ask myself why we do things.

Zanele Muholi (born 19 July 1972) is a South African artist and visual activist working in photography, video, and installation. Muholi's work focuses on race, gender and sexuality with a body of work looking at black lesbian, gay, transgender, and intersex individuals. Muholi is non-binary and uses they/them pronouns, explaining that they "identify as a human being".

Muholi was shortlisted for the Deutsche Börse Photography Prize in 2015. They received an Infinity Award from the International Center of Photography in 2016, a Chevalier de Ordre des Arts et des Lettres in 2016, and an Honorary Fellowship of the Royal Photographic Society in 2018.


Ester RoviraComment